Bid Tracker: Quote and Source Carriers for Your Spot Shipments
Logistical Labs · Updates


Bid Tracker allows you to source carriers on a load by load basis through your own private network. Simply submit a load and let your carriers send their bids. You can then track sourced carriers as they respond and accept or deny their offers from a single screen.


In addition, Bid Tracker allows you to determine a good vs. bad buy by comparing carrier responses with LoadDex’s suggested rate—a weighted average of your historical rates and market rates, calculated based on custom rules you set.  



To see a demo of Bid Tracker or for more information, contact us by filling out the form below. 

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Reach out any time to schedule a demo, request pricing information, ask a question, or give us feedback. We'd love to hear from you.

640 N. LaSalle, Suite 555 Chicago, IL 60654
(312) 999-9762
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